Ideas Are Worth Sharing!

Case Consult Form

Complete this case consultation form to request strategic, technical, regulatory, or scientific feedback from the mHealth Research Core (mHRC).   

It is preferred that the study Principal Investigator (PI) complete the Case Consult Form and be present at the Case Consultation.

If you are interested in assistance with creating an eConsent in RedCap, please do NOT fill out the case consultation form.  Instead, we think you’ll find our eConsent Navigation Tool most helpful. 

Complete the case consult form at the following link, or link below.

You will receive a response within 3 business days. 

Consult Form
Have you established a relationship with a technology vendor?
What type of STUDY PLANNING can the mHRC help you with?
What type of STUDY DESIGN + DEVELOPMENT can the mHRC help you with?
What type of STUDY DISSEMINATION + IMPLEMENTATION can the mHRC help you with?
What type of STUDY OPERATIONS can the mHRC help you with?

Maximum file size: 51.2MB

Maximum file size: 51.2MB

Maximum file size: 51.2MB

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